
Asia Hologram Experience

Asia Hologram Experience

Hurry! ENDS APRIL 7th


What Do You Do?

Hologram Asia Adventure, in This Hologram Adventure You Will Visit Japan, China, and Nepal.

Visit the Cherry Blossom Festival, and Go in the Hot Springs With the Snow monkeys. See the Koi Fish Under Hong Kong Harbour. The Animals Look and Act Alive but They Are Holograms Made of Lasers and You Can Put Your Hand Straight Through Them.

This Technology Was Voted Best Invention of 2023 by Time Magazine. There Are Limited Spaces, We Only Accept Online Bookings, and They Are Filling up Fast.

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The Experience:

Free Gift:

At the end of the show, you get a free cardboard Hologram. This is a new technology that projects a small Hologram-style object in a box.