
Dinosaur Hologram Experience

Dinosaur Hologram Experience

What Do You Do?

Welcome to the Hologram Dinosaur Adventure. The Dinosaurs are life-sized so they are very big, but don’t worry if they step on you you won't get hurt as they are Holograms made out of laser light.

Some of the Dinosaurs poke their heads in through the windows. Journey through insect-filled forests, and see the pterodactyls go to the bottom of the prehistoric ocean. There is so much to see here.

This show was at the Australian Museum, it had 25,000 visitors and one in every 200 people came to see the Hologram Dinosaurs.

The Experience:

Free Gift:

At the end of the show, you get a free cardboard Hologram. This is a new technology that projects a small Hologram-style object in a box.